Designated Plot - Tuanshan
The designated plot selected by the old comrades in 2024 is Tuanshan, located in the Pu-erh tea region of Yunnan, within the water source protection area of Jinggu. The water quality remains unpolluted, and the ecological environment is undisturbed, with dense vegetation.
Peach Fruit Aroma Hidden in the Water Source Protection Area
The leaves of Tuanshan are primarily upright, with pointed tips and medium to small size. Interestingly, the aroma of Tuanshan tea varies with the seasons. During periods of ample rainfall, the overall aroma presents a peach fruit fragrance, while in drier conditions, an orchid scent emerges.
Making Good Tea: The First Step to Ecology
Tuanshan is situated in the Pu-erh water resource protection area, ensuring maximum ecological protection. Nourished by nutrient-rich soil, Tuanshan tea showcases different aromas and flavors each year, influenced by rainfall and climate changes, making it truly unique.
Spring Tea Evaluation: Tuanshan
The ancient tea trees predominantly feature upright, pointed medium leaves, with dark green, glossy leaves that have a distinct character and an enchanting orchid fragrance."