Designated Plot: Pasha - Tea King Land
The designated plot selected by the Laotongzhi in 2024 is located in the southwestern direction of Pasha Village, in the Gelianghe Township, nestled between Nanuo Mountain and Bulang Mountain. In the Dai language, 'Pasha' signifies towering forest land.
The Hani Villages That Have Been Planting Tea Trees Since the Tang Dynasty
According to the elders in the village, this area is a settlement of the Hani people. Following local tradition, whenever the number of households in a village reaches a certain threshold (around 100 households), a new village will be established. Today, Pasha has expanded to five villages, including Pasha Old Village, Pasha Middle Village, Pasha New Village, Nangan, and Laoduan. It is worth mentioning that even the famous laobanzhang Village was originally migrated from Pasha.
Seven Parts Banzhang Aroma, Three Parts Bingdao Sweetness
Gelianghe Pasha. Pasha Village, located in the southwestern direction of Gelianghe Township, is nestled between Nannuo Mountain and Buliang Mountain. In the Dai language, 'Pasha' signifies towering forest land.
Enjoying good tea with the Laotongzhi,
the quality of Pasha ancient tree tea is outstanding, especially the ancient tree tea from Pasha Old Village, renowned for its sweet and refreshing taste. The higher the altitude, the richer the tea's character and the stronger the aroma.
Renowned for its sweetness,
full of flavor and high in fragrance,
each village in Pasha has ancient tea gardens, with the saying 'where there is tea, there is a village.' If Laobanzhang is known for its boldness, then Pasha is celebrated for its unique sweetness.
Pasha: Tea King Land- Spring Tea Evaluation
The tea soup presents a rich golden green hue,
with a strong aroma and a sweet taste, free from any grassy or astringent flavors.